2222 CONA Representative

Ron Herzfeld

Architectural Control Committee


​Candace Wong, AIA, LEED AP, Chair

​Erica Flynn

Landscape Committee


Margaret Hutchison Chair

Peggy Maxwell

Christian Patrik

​Liz Lock

Social Committee


Luma Simmons Chair

Carol Philipson

Lee Sherwin

Mari Rafae Rodriguez

Dave Chiluk

Sharon Hearne

​Anagha Gole

Safety Committee (Traffic)


Chad Roesle Chair​​

Firewise Committee (see Firewise Page)


Jester Welcoming Committee

Carol Philipson

Eva Wisser

Elaina Griffiths

Laj Nasta

Lee Sherwin

Hope Teel Colt

​Darcy Pedetti​​​​

Officers and Board of Directors


The Jester Club is a separate organization, having its own Board, By-Laws, and Rules; and, is NOT associated with the Jester HOA, except that many Jester residents have club memberships at the Jester Club.

The Jester HOA Board meeting schedule is the 3rd Tuesday 6:30 pm of every month at Red Lotus, unless notified otherwise.

The Board promotes open and candid discussions among the residents of Jester.

Contact the Board at:


Useful Contacts

Ron HerzfeldPresident/Board Member
Chad RoesleVP Safety
Carol PhilipsonVP Committees/Board Member
Peggy MaxwellVP Compliance/Board Member
Dave ChilukVP Media/Board Member
Eva WisserSecretary/Board Member
Christian PatrikTreasurer/Board Member
Carol WolfManagement Company Representative

Consider being a Board Member.

It's a better way to a better Community.

Warbler Editor

Hope Teel Colt  hopeteel@gmail.com

Homeowner's Association Management

Carol Wolf Management

(512) 258-8200

Jester Club

(512) 794-8867

